Our wonderful raffle prizes have generously donated by local businesses and there are some terrific raffle prizes are to be won at “Motherhood The Musical”. We’d love to say a big thanks to them all and encourage you to support them as they do us.
The Pool Cafe – http://www.poolcafeperegian.com.au/
LifeLive Pharmacy – http://www.livelifepharmacy.com/pharmacies/amcal-peregian-springs/
Zumba Gold – https://www.zumba.com/class/yvonne-corstorphin/52ce47d3-ad34-4236-95b2-6b550a28195c
Manawee Garden Centre – http://www.manawee.com.au/
Ebony Beauty Express – http://www.ebonybeautyexpress.com.au/
Annie’s Books on Peregian – http://www.anniesbooksonperegian.com.au/